Existing ADM Family – Registration

ADM uses a multi-step online registration process. The directions listed below are for existing ADM families who currently have children enrolled in the ADM School District. A student is not considered fully registered to attend school until all of the steps listed below have been completed.


The following information is needed to complete the online registration process:

  • Proof of age (Preschool & Kindergarten Only)
    • Immunization records (preferred), copy of passport, adoption records, or birth certificate. (Birth certificate cannot be uploaded online and must be presented in person)
  • Parent contact information
  • Emergency contact information
  • Student’s health condition / medication information
  • Immunization records


Complete each of the steps listed below in order to fully register to attend school at ADM.  Please send an email to registration@admschools.org or call (515) 478-1271 with questions.

Are you unable to complete the online registration?  If so, please schedule an appointment. Appointments MUST be scheduled by sending an email to registration@admschools.org or by calling (515) 478-1271.

Step 1: Online Registration                     

Directions:  Use the following information to complete online registration:

    • Online registration cannot be completed on a mobile phone and must be completed using a computer or tablet.
    • Login to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal using the link above.
    • Select “More” from the left navigation menu and then select “Online Registration”.
    • Enable Pop-up Windows in your web browser: directions for Chrome, and Firefox.
    • Complete and submit the online registration.

Step 2: Pay Fees                                          

When to Pay Fees: School fees should be paid prior to the start of the next school year (if registering over the summer) or after enrolling at ADM (if registering during the school year).

InformationSchool fees can be paid directly in Infinite Campus or in person at the District Administration Center. If you prefer to drop off or mail in a check, you may send a check to the district office at 215 N. 11th Street, Adel, IA, 50003. Please include your child’s name on all submitted checks. Cash payments can be made in person at the district office.

Directions for Online Payment:  All fees can be paid directly in Infinite Campus.

      • Login to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal using the link above.
      • Select “Fees” from the left navigation menu and then click “add to cart” for the fees that you would like to add to your cart for payment.
      • Select “My Cart” (top right pop up window)
      • Select “Submit Payment” (bottom of pop up window)

Free or Reduced Fees: Students who qualify for a Free or Reduced Meal status may also benefit from free or reduced school fees. All families will be emailed with information about completing the free and reduced application in July. To qualify for a Free or Reduced Meal status, guardians must apply for the status each year after July 1. Learn More

Concerned About Paying Fees? If you are concerned about paying fees and would like to discuss a payment plan, please contact Josh Jacobs, Business Manager at (515) 993-4283 ext. 1042.

Registration for Activities (7th-12th)

InformationADM uses rSchools to facilitate the activities registration process.  This is only required for students in grades 7th-12th grade who participate in a school activity.

Registration: Activities Registration will open in late July. All families of students in grades 7-12 will be sent email communication from ADM’s Activities Director when the activities registration opens.

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