Attendance, Chronic Absenteeism, and Truancy

The district believes that traditional, in-person school attendance leads to the greatest learning opportunities for students. Students who are present in school and engaged active learners take greater ownership over their educational outcomes.  For this reason, it is the priority of the district to foster regular student attendance throughout the school year and reduce barriers to regular attendance for students in the district.

In 2024 the State of Iowa passed new laws that define Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy and outline required intervention measures that schools must take in response to student attendance. Parents and families should review the information below to ensure their understanding of ADM’s attendance, chronic absenteeism and truancy policies in light of Iowa’s laws.

Compulsory Education Law

Iowa’s compulsory education laws require that parents within the school district who have children over age six and under age sixteen by September 15, in proper physical and mental condition to attend school, will have their children attend school. Students are required to attend school the number of hours school is in session in accordance with the school calendar and for a minimum of 1080 hours. Students not attending the minimum hours must be exempted from attendance (per the Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Expectations defined below) or referred to the county attorney.

Attendance and Reporting Absences

Students are required to be in attendance for 1080 hours per school year unless their absences have been excused by the principal. Parents are expected to notify the school office to report a student’s absence prior to the start of the school day. Parents can notify the school office in one of the following three ways:

  1. Call the Building Office:
  2. Email the Building Office:
  3. Infinite Campus:
    1. Log into your Campus Parent Portal account 
    2. Click “More” from the left navigation menu 
    3. Select “Absence Request”. 
    4. Complete the form and submit.

Excused Absences

Student absences will be classified as excused and unexcused. Excused absences include:

  • Illness
  • Medical appointments
  • Family emergencies
  • Recognized religious observances
  • School sponsored or approved activities
  • Other exemptions listed in Board policy
  • Other absences approved by the building principal

Family Trips or Vacations

Families are encouraged to schedule vacations and trips when school is not in attendance. However, family trips or vacations will be identified as an excused absence if notification is provided to the building office. Students are expected to make arrangements for the time that will be missed prior to their absence.

  • Note: While ADM has the local authority to view family trips and vacations as excused absences, Iowa law requires missed days due to trips and vacations to count toward calculations of chronic absenteeism and truancy which may result in legally required interventions as explained further below.

 Unexcused Absences

Absences that do not fall within the categories listed above will be considered unexcused. In the event of a parent refusal to state why a student will be absent from school, the absence will be logged as unexcused. The consequence of unexcused absences are identified in building handbooks.

  • Note: In addition to the consequences found in building handbooks, unexcused absences count toward calculations of chronic absenteeism and truancy which may result in legally required interventions as explained further below.

Chronic Absenteeism & Truancy

Chronic Absenteeism: Any absence from school (see exemptions listed below) for more than ten (10) percent of the hours of the grading period.

Truancy: A child of compulsory attendance age who is absent from school for any reason (see exemptions listed below) for at least twenty (20) percent of the hours of the grading period.

Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Exemptions: Calculations of chronic absenteeism and truancy do not include absences for students who:

  • have completed the requirements for graduation in an accredited school or have obtained a high school equivalency diploma;
  • are excused for sufficient reason by any court of record or judge;
  • are attending religious services or receiving religious instruction;
  • are unable to attend school due to legitimate medical reasons;
  • has an individualized education program that affects the child’s attendance;
  • has a plan under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. §794, that affects the child’s attendance;
  • are attending an approved or probationary approved private college preparatory school;
  • are attending an accredited nonpublic school; 
  • are receiving independent private instruction; or,
  • are receiving competent private instruction.
  • are excused under Iowa Code §299.22; and
  • are exempt under Iowa Code §299.24.

Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Consequences: Students are subject to disciplinary action for chronic absenteeism and truancy including suspension and expulsion.  It is within the discretion of the principal to determine, in light of the circumstances, whether a student may make up work missed because of truancy.  Students receiving special education services will not be assigned to in-school suspension due to chronic absenteeism and truancy unless the goals and objectives of the student’s Individualized Education Program are capable of being met.

  1. Chronic Absenteeism Notification (10%)
    • When a student meets the threshold to be considered chronically absent, the school official will;
      • Send notice by mail or e-mail to the county attorney where the district’s central office is located. 
      • Notify the student, or if a minor, the student’s parent, guardian or legal or actual custodian via certified mail that includes:
        • information related to the student’s absences from school; and 
        • the policies and disciplinary processes associated with additional absences.
  2. School Engagement Meeting (15%)
    • If a student is absent from school for at least fifteen percent of the  hours in the grading period of each school building as established by the district, the school official will attempt to find the cause of the absences and start and participate in a school engagement meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to understand the reasons for the student’s absences and attempt to remove barriers to the student’s ongoing absences; and to create and sign an absenteeism prevention plan. All of the following individuals must participate in the school engagement meeting:
      • The student;
      • The student’s parent, guardian or legal or actual custodian if the student is an unemancipated minor; and
      • A school official.
  3. Absenteeism Prevention Plan and Weekly Contact (15%)
    • The absenteeism prevention plan will identify the causes of the student’s absences and the future responsibilities of each participant.  The school official will contact the student and student’s parent/guardian at least once per week for the remainder of the school year to monitor the performance of the student and the student’s parent/guardian under the plan.  If the student and student’s parent/guardian do not attend the meeting, do not enter into a plan or violate the terms of the plan, the school official will notify the county attorney.
  4. Other Penalties
    • In response to Chronic absenteeism or Truancy, the building principal may issue penalties in addition to the requirements listed in Section I of this regulation. Penalties may include, but are not limited to;
      • Non-Academic Penalties
        • Oral or written notices beyond the generated absenteeism prevention plan to the student and his or her parents;
        • Conferences with the student and parents,
        • Written contracts with the student and parents,
        • Loss of non-academic privileges such as extracurricular activities, open campus, late arrival, early dismissal.
        • Other penalties as determined by the building principal.
      • Academic Penalties
        • Late work not receiving credit
        • Dropped from course
        • In-school suspension
        • Out of school suspension
        • Other penalties as determined by the building principal.





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