
Virtual Pet Show

DeSoto Intermediate 5th grade students created virtual pets by coding animals to complete different behaviors, like growing, moving, and spinning. The classes did a Virtual Pet Show, and the following are the winners from 5th Grade Red Team. […]

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ADM FFA Chapter Events

The ADM FFA chapter has been busy learning, competing, and having fun! Forty-three members of the ADM FFA chapter traveled to South Central CDE Day on September 21 in Osceola.  Members competed in a variety of career building […]

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Iowa’s Healthiest State Walk

Students at Meadow View Elementary had the opportunity to participate in Iowa’s Healthiest State Walk on Wednesday, October 6th. Students were led through the course by their classroom teacher. There were multiple stops around the outside of the […]

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Safety Unit

Students in Mrs. Gaffney’s and Mrs. Pettit’s PreKindergarten rooms are learning ways to stay safe during their Safety Unit. Students had the opportunity this week to listen to Officer Keller, our School Resource Officer for ADM Schools, share […]

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5th Grade Life Science

DeSoto Intermediate 5th graders participated in an owl pellet dissection, a hands-on activity that supported and enriched students’ understanding of food chains and food webs.  Partners examined the insides of the pellet to discover the indigestible parts of […]

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Number Sense Routines

Adel Elementary mathematicians engage in number sense routines on a daily basis. These routines allow students to work with numbers, picture them in several ways and connect them across multiple scenarios. Students participate in counting routines, visual routines, […]

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Food Pantry Donation

Meadow View Elementary celebrated the week of Homecoming (September 20-24) by doing something special each day. On Thursday, September 23, students were asked to bring in donations for the Adel Good Samaritan Food Pantry. We had an overwhelming […]

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