Academic Calendar

ADM’s academic calendar is established each year by the school board. Development of the calendar is conducted by the board and the administrative team, along with input from members of the public through public hearings on the calendar.  Per state law, the school year must begin later than August 23rd, and include a minimum of 1,080 hours of instructional time.


2024-2025 Academic Calendar


2024-2025 Staff Calendar

2024-2025 Academic Calendar          2024-2025 Staff Calendar                      
Key dates for the 2024-2025 school year

  • First Day of School: 8/23/24
  • Thanksgiving Break: 11/27-12/1
  • Winter Break: 12/23-1/1/25
  • Spring Break: 3/17/25-3/21/25
  • Seniors Last Day: 5/22/25
  • Commencement: 5/25/25
  • Last Day of School for Students: 5/30/25

Activities / Event Calendar

ADM Activities Event Calendar         



















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