Articles in General

Tiger Time

Tiger Time is a special time in our day where students are engaged in research based interventions that target their individual needs. During this time, students from different classrooms with similar instructional needs work in small groups for […]

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Make Your Mark

September 15th was International Dot Day. It is a day meant to celebrate creativity, courage, and collaboration. 4th grade celebrated National Dot Day by listening to the book, The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, and challenging students to […]

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Safety Drills

ADM prides itself in ensuring our students feel safe and cared for. Each year, the building practices drills to increase our safety in unforeseen situations. This year, Meadow View students will complete the following drills: – Severe Weather […]

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ADM Tiger Stadium Guidelines

Tiger Nation, ADM is excited to host the first home football game of the year this Friday.  The Tigers will take on North Polk in a matchup of two highly ranked teams.  To ensure spectators have a safe […]

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Be the “I” in Kind

There are many attributes we strive for our students to demonstrate each and every day. One of those is kindness. A simple act that can make a significant impact. Students who demonstrate kindness throughout the year are nominated […]

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Welcome Adel Elementary Students!

What a great first two weeks at Adel Elementary! The list could go on and on, but here are some highlights: – students seeing familiar faces and making new friends – positive classroom cultures being established – students […]

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2022-23 School Registration Now Open!

Parents and Families, Student registration for the 2022-23 school year is now open through June 30.  ADM uses a multi-step online registration process.  Use the following link to access step-by-step directions to complete the registration process. 2022-23 Student […]

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Exercise Your Character

On Friday, students across the state had the opportunity to participate in “Exercising your Character” through a 45 minute zoom session. During this time, the focus was around the Six Pillars of Character and being healthy. Meadow View […]

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