ADM Middle School participated in a Wellness Day on Friday, February 23, as a reminder to be good to each other and ourselves. Students rotated through 7 stations where they engaged in an activity that promoted wellness: the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to become healthier both physically and mentally.  Each station included an activity and reflection to help students be intentional when creating healthy habits. Station topics included exercise, music, meditation/breathing techniques, art, gratitude, happiness, and healthy snacks. We’d like to thank parents for donating snacks for the day, as students enjoyed apples, oranges, pretzels, popcorn, and granola bars at the snack station.

Students also listened to a keynote speaker, Kyle Willkom, who was brought to ADM through the Middle School and High School Student Council. Kyle Willkom shared his personal “wellness” story of resilience and self reflection while incorporating humor, rapping, and audience engagement.  Students left school on Friday with the skills to develop healthy habits that will help them thrive on their personal wellness journeys.