ADM FFA Excels at State FFA Convention
ANKENY, Iowa–FFA members across Iowa celebrated their successes at the 94th Iowa FFA Leadership Conference on April 10-12 at Iowa State University’s Hilton Coliseum in Ames, Iowa. The Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference is one the largest of its kind in the National FFA Organization. The annual conference provides agricultural education students the opportunity to participate in Leadership and Career Development Event competitions, be recognized for accomplishments in events during the past year, become inspired by motivational speakers, interact with college and business professionals, and develop leadership skills.
Cody Felt, son of Dave and Jenny Felt of Adel, was selected as a Stars Over Iowa Finalist in the area of Ag Production. The star awards recognize students who have developed outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through their career development programs and demonstrated outstanding management skills. Cody’s supervised agricultural experience project consisted of raising and marketing hay to local customers. The Stars Over Iowa program is possible with support from Beck’s Hybrids through the Iowa FFA Foundation.
Rebecca Beaman, daughter of Chuck and Christina Beaman of Adel, was selected as the Iowa FFA Proficiency Award winner in the area of Specialty Animal Production. Proficiency Award winners have excelled in their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Projects. These awards encourage members to develop specialized skills that will apply toward a future career. Rebecca’s SAE project consisted of raising honey bees and marketing/selling honey. She initially started this project through a scholarship from the Iowa Honey Producers Association. Rebecca’s application will advance to the National FFA competition where it will compete against winners from the other State FFA Associations.
Kate Schaefer, daughter of Tim and Jennifer Schaefer of Adel, was elected as the Iowa FFA’s South Central State Vice-President. Kate will serve as one of nine officers representing the 18,000+ FFA members in Iowa. These nine leaders will live out their year of service speaking with FFA members from across the state, presenting leadership camps and workshops, and traveling around Iowa and the United States. They will have the opportunity to take part in Iowa FFA Foundation activities, FFA District Leadership Programs, Iowa FFA Legislative Symposium, the National FFA Convention, and a wide variety of FFA Career Development Events. Their largest responsibility will be to coordinate and conduct the 95th Iowa FFA Leadership Conference for over 6,000 FFA members, advisors, parents, and guests.
Other accomplishments included:
- Kate Schaefer was the reserve champion in the Chapter Website contest
- Celia Kreifels received 5th place in the Ag Broadcasting contest
- Payton Taylor competed in Creed Speaking
- The chapter was awarded a $1,000 Ambassador Award trophy
- Cody Felt was recognized as a reserve champion Proficiency Award winner in the area of Forage Crop Production. Cody raises and sells hay for his SAE project.
- The Farm Business Management team was crowned reserve champion (over 100 teams in the event). Team members were Dustin Barker, Lexi Claibourn, Jacob Crystal, and Shae Wiederien.
- Izzie Hawbaker, Hailee Huntoon, and Madison Stewart were selected to play in the Iowa FFA Band
- A record NINE ADM FFA received their Iowa FFA Degrees. Members were Dustin Barker, Rebecca Beaman, Bailey Christensen, Cody Felt, Anna Friesth, Cooper Greenslade, Hallie Henfling, Campbell James, and Kate Schaefer. Iowa FFA Degrees are awarded to members who show outstanding service and dedication to the National FFA Organization.
The National FFA Organization is the largest student-led leadership organization in the country with over 700,000 members in all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The ADM FFA chapter was chartered in 2015 and currently consists of 96 members in grades 9-12.