High School Student Pickup and Drop Off Procedures

High School parents will pick up and drop off students at the High School entrance using the circle drive lots on the west side of ADM High School. 

  • Parents should enter ADM High School from HWY 169 onto Tiger Drive and into the circle parking lot. (see purple arrow and start on image below)
  • Parents should exit at Nile Kinnick and Tiger Drive on the northwest corner of the property.  All vehicles will be forced to make a right hand turn only when exiting Tiger Drive onto HWY 169 during dismissal.  (see blue arrows on image below)
  • No vehicles will be allowed to travel on Tiger Drive through the bus loading zone during dismissal times (see yellow rectangles on image below).


Right Turn Only Exiting Onto HWY 169

All vehicles exiting the MS/HS parking lot onto Highway 169 will ONLY be allowed to turn right during dismissal times.  Vehicles will not be allowed to go straight into Fareway or turn left.

  • Only dismissal times only will be impacted.  Regardless of the time of day dismissal occurs, any vehicle, including students, visitors, or parents will be required to turn right when exiting Tiger Drive onto Highway 169.  (See blue lines on front side of building on map below)
  • All north parking lots will be diverted to a single exit onto Tiger Drive. From Tiger Drive all vehicles will be required to exit with a right turn onto Highway 169.  (See blue arrows on front side of building on map below)
  • No vehicles will be allowed in the bus drop off and pick up zone located on Tiger Drive during dismissal. (See yellow rectangles on map below)
  • All vehicles in the east lot (“Pit” parking) will be required to exit onto Tiger Drive to the east and then onto Old Portland Road. (see blue arrows on the backside of building on map below)
  • All drivers needing to access the back (east side) of the building during dismissal time MUST enter from Old Portland Road.  No through traffic will be allowed from the west. (See purple orange arrows on map below)
  • All traffic entering the front side of ADM MS/HS during dismissal times will be diverted into the circle drive lot. (See purple arrows on building on map below)
  • ADM requests that students who have after school obligations, for example, sports or activities that keep them past dismissal times, park in the circle drive area.


Click to View Large Dismissal Map


Alternative Routes to Travel South

The map listed below identifies possible alternative routes for students that need to travel south after school but are forced to turn right onto HYW 169.

Alternative Route 1:  Turn right on Highway 169.  At Cottage Street turn right and follow it down to 4th St.  Take 4th St. straight to Old Portland Road until 302 Place (temporarily closed; students can use Meadow or continue to follow Old Portland Rd. to 323rd Pl.) where they can take a right to get back to Highway 169.

Alternative Route 2:  turn right on Highway 169 until you come to the stoplight.  Turn left on Greene St. until you get to South 10th St. Travel south on South 10th St. until you get to Greenwood Hills Dr. where you will take a right onto Highway 169. 


Click to View Alternate Route Map